Saturday, October 16, 2010

Woke up early this morning...

to my phone vibrating.  It does this weird thing sometimes where it vibrates just short and fast.  I was having a dream about something mildly unpleasant, I don't remember what now though.  Anyway, it was him, as it should have been.  Up surprisingly early, he's on his way now.  I felt so irritated.  In a year and a half I have gotten flowers from him once.  Nothing for last Sweetest Day or Valentine's Day.  And it's fine, I won't hold it against him.  But I made it so clear that I wanted some today.  Just something simple, $10.  I didn't think it'd be a problem.  It is, of course.  He said he couldn't afford them.  I can't really either, but I got him a gift card.  I guess this is just one of those times I don't really love him.  We tried breaking up last week.  It didn't go well- at all.  I despise it when guys go into hysterics.  Such a huge turn off.  But I did too because, well, here it goes- he's my first. 
Ugh.  I said it!  I'm an awful, awful person.  I'm sorry!  It was a mistake, it was wrong, I know, I know!  But I can't take it back.  Instead, I'll suffer with the knowledge that I am with ONE guy for the past year and a half.  One.
I used to be so much prettier three years ago.  I was slimmer and more naive.  I was innocent and had no idea what to do if a guy asked me for my number.  It was a fun time.  Older guys are so much sexier.
But at the risk of sounding promiscuous, it wasn't long before all of that was over.  And now I'm here.

You know, I absolutely can not stand when technology tries to force you to do something.  Like downloads.  If I wanted a new version, I'd go get it myself.  But every time I open an application that has a newer version, there's the minute and a half long interaction with the various dialogue boxes, and it pisses me off.  Like right now, it just froze my whole computer to tell me it was finished downloading.  I thought these were supposed to be user friendly.

We watched "Gossip Girl" last night.  I love that show.  I don't know why even, those girls are never things I aspired to be.  I love watching it though.  It's full of intrigue and glamor.  It's wonderful.  It makes me want Christmas.  I just don't understand how those kids are just given money to spend.  Blair paid Vanessa's rent for a year- seemingly without any accountability to her mom.  Strange.

I want to go to Honduras.  Badly.  Although I'm terrified.  Vivire con una familia extrana.  Honestly though, I'm most afraid of the snakes.

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